Roundup of Writing on the Job Market

While at Computers and Writing last week, I posted to Twitter a link to my write-up of the digital tools I used to organize my job search, and I got more hits on this blog than I had ever had before. (This was at least mostly because the inimitable Tim Lockridge was talking about his clever tech-use when I tweeted, so everyone was all prepped up for thinking about this stuff.)

That made me remember that I chronicled my job search a bit for the graduate student newsletter Inklinks at the University of South Florida, edited this year by the amazing Jessica Cook. On the chance that they will help future job-seekers, I’ll post the articles here, informal and personal as they are.

  • In the December 2011 issue, I wrote about the things I felt I had done well and poorly in the years leading up to the academic job search. Just my article | Entire issue
  • In the February 2012 issue, I wrote about what it was like interviewing at MLA. Just my article | Entire issue
  • In the May 2012 issue, I wrote some final reflections about the whole process, written after securing a tenure-track position. Just my article | Entire issue


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